To disable this feature in Windows 10, right-click over the Start icon and select "Power Options" from the menu that appears.
Disabling it often speeds up a system's wake time from Sleep or Hibernation Mode as well, though it can slow your awakening from Shutdown and Restart some.
This is a setting that helps quicken startups from a Shutdown state, though it sometimes has an opposite effect when enabled with Sleep and Hibernation Modes. Yet another option is to disable the Windows Fast Startup feature. Keeping the machine in Sleep or Hibernation Mode constantly puts a lot of strain on your RAM, which is used to store session information while your system sleeps restarting clears that information and makes that RAM available again, which in turn allows the system to run more smoothly and speedier. Similarly, it couldn't hurt to restart the computer now and then, especially if you haven't done so in a while. This includes not just active windows but also background programs (i.e. Given this, a good first suggestion to a faster wake up would be to close any programs or processes that aren't necessary before going into Sleep Mode. If you had little working at that moment, with few resources being used, for example, then waking up should be quick however if you had a lot of items open, and were using a lot of resources at the time you enabled Sleep or Hibernation, then waking up could take a while since there's a lot more for the system to rekindle and recover before activity can commence again. With Sleep and Hibernation Modes, the speed of reawakening often depends on what you had open at the time you put the system into Sleep or Hibernation.
Shutdown is exactly that - powering down the computer fully. Sleep and Hibernate Modes are both settings aimed at keeping your sessions active while you are away from your desk, with Hibernation being a deeper version of Sleep. Why?Ī: Most Windows machines allow for three means of system-based slumber: Sleep Mode, Hibernation Mode and Full Shutdown Mode. Q: I have a Windows 10 computer and whenever I wake my system from Sleep Mode it seems to take forever before I can actually start doing anything on it.