The second option is to use a group policy preferences power plan (or Power Scheme and options if using Windows XP) as Alan indicated. If using an older version of the console, the same settings are available in a different location (I think its under the display control panel but I don't have an XP or 2003 system to verify). The setting names and paths here are based on using the GP management console on Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008/R2 since best practice is to edit GPOs using the most current OS in your environment. The required settings are: 'Enable screen saver', 'Screen saver timeout', 'Force specific screen saver' (this is important because if the system has no screensaver configured this won't work) and finally 'Password protect the screensaver'. This can be done under User Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Control Panel\Personalization. The first is to configure a screen saver with the required timeout and a password requirement.