Highlight the weapon you want to mod within the items section of your Pip-Boy, then select the modding menu via the button as indicated in the top right of the info panel. Lovecraft Fallout: New Vegas - Nordic Firearms Mod.

Found insideReproduction of the original: The Dunwich Horror by H. FNV Realistic Lighting - A complete weather overhaul for Fallout New Vegas and its DLCs designed to make the game look more realistic. New Vegas Realistic Battle and Dynamic Combat - This realism mod gives weapons more punch and makes armor much more relevant just as it should be. Fallout: New Vegas - Weapon Mods Expanded Mod. each gun can have three mods PERMANENTLY put on the gun.

Fallout 4 Top 10 New Vegas WEAPON ModsTop 10 Fallout New Vegas Weapon mods in Fallout 4. These new creatures can be found all across the Mojave wasteland.